Business Imperatives


Business Imperatives


This is it. A must-read book which reveals and analyses the evolving nature of business and commerce. It cuts through the maze of theories and latest concepts.

The promise of the book is in its title, "Business Imperatives". Imperatives are the important, commanding, essential and pre-emptory factors to success.

Author Barry Urquhart provides insights on and answers to the very fundamentals for those contemplating or who are already operating a small to medium sized business. It is equally relevant to those who supply to, purchase from and service such firms.

Readers can become masters, not servants, of economic restructuring, workplace reform, re-engineering, outsourcing, the emergence of "category-killer" competitors and Local Area Marketing initiatives.

Refreshingly, many of the winning ideas will require little or no capital budget. Barry Urquhart shares the experiences and expertise in strategic planning and business development that he has accumulated since 1975. In that time he has been retained by small firms and by some of the largest corporations in the world. His writing style is relaxed, pacey, concise and easy to comprehend.

Significantly, the case studies, market research findings and anecdotes are contemporary and are centred in Australia and in New Zealand. "Business Imperatives" has been a long time in its coming. Its benefits, advantages and impact will be felt and enjoyed for a long time in the future.

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